Welcome back Fall Instructors


Your course shells for Fall were set up before Spring Break. If you are the Instructor of Record in Colleague, then you will have an associated Canvas Shell. If you believe that you are missing a course shell, please let us know via the helpdesk: https://servicedesk.gtcc.edu/



Import only parts of a course – Do NOT copy an entire course

How – Copy parts of a course

What NOT to Copy

1.  Syllabus

2.  AIQ

3.  Verify Your Enrollment quiz

4.  Calendar

5.  Getting Started

6.  Learner Support

7.  DayOne module

8.  Files



Use the Course Readiness as a guide on what needs updating each semester and as a way to indicate to eLearning that your course is ready.

If it takes more than an hour per course to complete the above list, please contact eLearning for help.

What’s New in the eLearning World?

Respondus Lockdown Browser has been integrated.

What is it? The link is in your left-hand menu.

What does the student see? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/do01E4qnkw4?rel=0&autoplay=1

Come to a workshop and learn more!

The AIQ renamed with 2024 to make it easier to delete the old ones, if you accidentally copied them

Getting Started Module – Meet Your Instructor is not published by default

Getting Started Overview no longer included the redundant “welcome”

DisAbility Access Services info updated under “Institutional Info”

Syllabus significant changes (required for SACS) under these headings:

Withdrawal Policy

Policies and Additional Information: Academic Integrity Policy Including Plagiarism (NEW!)

Updates to Canvas: Speedgrader, Discussions, a new “Assign To” button, and New Quizzes

Be on the lookout for workshops this Fall advertised through LearnerWeb

New eLearning site with access to everything we have and to us! https://bit.ly/GTCC-eLearning

Resources to help


Academic Integrity Quiz (AIQ)

This is your default, required census quiz located under the Heading of “Census Activity.” All you need to do is set your census date. Please bookmark this page.

Setting Requirements and Prerequisites


Control how students progress through your content.


New eLearning site with access to everything we have and to us! https://bit.ly/GTCC-eLearning


Copy parts of a course

Don’t copy an entire Canvas course; instead, choose which parts that you want to copy. Trust us, do NOT copy:


Census Module/AIQ

Verify Your Enrollment quiz

AIQ quiz


Getting Started

Learner Support module

DayOne module




Tips from Matt

Hear directly from the LMS Administrator, Matt Apple, in this 7-minute PowerShot video.

Merge Request - HURRY

Teaching more than one section of the same course with the same census date? Request a merge by completing a helpdesk ticket https://servicedesk.gtcc.edu/

Use the Online Course Readiness checklist to make sure your basics are covered and to indicate to eLearning that your course is ready.

Be sure to PUBLISH your course!


New eLearning staff

Just in the nick of time, we have the following new eLearning staff:

Takisha Cowley, Instructional Technologist (Jan 24)

Patty Watson Gregory, Instructional Designer (May 24)

Dr. Bart Ganzert, Instructional Designer (very end of July 24)

Their booking site is at: https://bit.ly/GTCC-eLearning


Quality is our goal; let’s start the semester off right!